Wednesday, April 22, 2009

First of the Year Excuses...

This is where I take time to come up with all the excuses, I mean reasons as to why I have not made one post since December. I came back to Guatemala at the end of January after spending 6 weeks at home for the holidays, a family vacation and a little time to come up with more $$ to live down here. I returned the day before one of our biggests groups came in. A 60+ person OB/GYN and Bomberos (fireman) training group. I flew in at noon on a Thursday and that night I met 2 of my friends at the ariport. Kara, a new volunteer coming to spend 6 months of her time here in Guatemala whom I had met in October for the first time and John, whom I met in person for the first time that day, but had spoken with several times since December. We sat around that night at the hostel we stayed at catching up and getting to know each other better. The next morning we headed back to the airport to meet the group and head back to Zacapa. In my following posts, I will share more about this trip. Between Feb and March we had another 5 groups come out that we hosted and shared a bit of Guatemala with. My following posts will talk more of these trips as well! In essences, what I am trying to say is that it has been a very busy first part of the year and I appologize for those of you that have stayed tuned to my life, and I have not shared it with you. I hope you will check out my posts that follow so that you can catch up on the lovely life of Lauren in her final months in Guatemala!

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