Sunday, August 31, 2008

Contact Info while here...

I know several of you have asked for my mailing address and such, so here it is...
Casa Corazones en Movimiento,
Barrio Nuevo
Teculutan, Zacapa
And that's all it is I'm told. Thanks for your support!!
Hope all is well back home! God Bless!!

Friday, August 29, 2008

Adorable kids

Is she not precious?!
Adorable sisters

This little one is possibly my favorite ever!! Look at that face!

Sweetest thing I've ever seen...
He was asleep with his shoes on, and I watched a little girl that was barely as tall as the table take off each of his shoes and socks and set them there next to him.

So once I saw this was blury, I couldn't figure out how to delete it, but CUTE!
Anderson and Alex.

Priceless shot! The kids adore Julio. When we pull up, they all shout his name, and the same when we leave! He is awesome!

The group at El Arco daycare

And he is just to cute for words!

My humble abode

My shower, only cold water and a stream that comes out at about half that from a hose... but I love it and am glad I have a shower period!
The rest of the bathroom... toilet paper only in the garbage can.

The view from my bed.

My bedroom, good news... I have room for company!

The kitchen/common area/work room.

The lounge area.
I am very fortunate yet again. This place is like a palace compared to most places here!
Life is Good!

The first week

I have now been in Guatemala for 5 days, and I am loving it! The first night was a bit lonely, however, this is typical when ones life changes such as mine. However I have adjusted quite well at this point. I am living in Teculutan at the HIM house. Hearts In Motion has a house here that a Guatemalan family lives in and takes care of. Norma cooks for the people that come out on trips and Luis drives the bus for the trips. They are fantastic and very welcoming. There are two other volunteers who also live here. At the moment they are both in the states for another couple weeks.
After having some time to adjust, Julio, my sidekick/translator/driver/and plain old cool guy and I started making our rounds to a few of the daycares we will be working with. We have interviewed most of the older children (ages 5-7) and gotten a feel for who they are and what they enjoy. Our next step will be to make house visits. I am very excited about this step. Most people that come to Guatemala don't get the opportunity to see inside the lives of these families. After this I will be creating packets about these children and their families and sending them to the states where they will then be found a sponsor.
The children are absolutely adorable and hilarious. I usually miss out on the initial laughter of what is said due to language barriers, but to see Julio's reaction... I can laugh all the same. It kills me to sit and talk to them... I am constantly swating the flies and bugs away and they sit like nothing is happening when I can see the lice and little bugs crawling in not only their hair, but also their eyelashes. It's very sad, but a reality to life down here.

I want to thank everyone who has made this opportunity for me become a reality. For the support and love I've been shown. The emails have been great and thus what is comes down to... God is Good!!